
Simple C server

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Project maintained by Deybacsi Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Starting the server

Simply run the server binary to start server.

Alternatively, you can use the compile.sh script to compile, and automatically run it.

You can use it as a daemon when running it with nohup or screen.

Stopping server

Press CTRL-C to terminate the server, or kill it when running in the background.

This exit method can cause problems, when a client is connected, so a more failsafe method shuld be implemented in the future for graceful exit.


You can use the provided client to communicate with the server, or you can use curl.

Store a key:

> curl -X PUT -d mykey=myvalue
Key added

Read a key:

> curl -X GET -d mykey

If an error occurs, the server responds back with a HTTP 400/404/500 header, and with the description of the problem.

> curl -X GET -d mykey2
ERROR: Key doesn't exist in database


When running with -h or --help command line arguments, the client prints out it’s usage:

> python client.py --help

usage: client.py [-h] -u URL -p PORT -t TYPE -k KEY [-v VALUE]

Makes a GET/PUT request to specified URL:port with a given key=value pair.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     Target URL
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Target port
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  Request type: GET | PUT
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Key
  -v VALUE, --value VALUE

To store a key:

> python client.py -u -p 8080 -t PUT -k mykey -v myvalue
HTTP 200
Key added

To retrieve a key:

> python client.py -u -p 8080 -t GET -k mykey
HTTP 200

The client has basic error checking for some cases:

> python client.py -u -p 8080 -t PUT -k mykey
Please specify a value for key with -v / --value !